Monday, June 4, 2007

OK, I think we are finally caught up!

It's June!

It's hard to believe that I started a business with my mother-in-law two years ago. It's even harder to believe that I didn't do much of anything with the business for the majority of that time!

Since I have been working at the business this year I have consistently made at least $4,000 per month in profit. The crazy thing about that is I don't even work that many hours!

On the 1st my son had field day at his school. I really wanted to be there for him, but I also wanted to work. So, I talked face-to-face to 2 people about my business at the school. I talked to 1 lady at the bank. And I talked to 2 people at the pharmacy. I ended up talking to 5 people on my day off. I was really bad during the month of May, I probably only worked 15 hours all month. Even with that I still made $4,000 profit.

I am not saying these things to brag. There are many others out there who make a LOT more than I do with Coastal. I just want you to know that a successful business can be built even if you don't have much time. If you want it bad enough, it can be done!

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