Thursday, July 5, 2007

Do You Squidoo?


Do you Squidoo?

I had never heard of Squidoo until a few weeks ago. I checked out a few lenses and I thought that they were OK, nothing really special. Well, then I started seeing it more and more on the internet. A few people talked me into creating my own lens, so I went for it. It was really easy and it didn't take long at all.

My lens is - go check it out and rate me!

So, now I am officially hooked! I have one published lens and another that I just started working on. It really is addicting!

If you don't already know, squidoo lenses rank pretty well in the search engines too :)

Go check out a few lenses, then make one of your own. You can create one on whatever you like! It's fun! (and there are some really great lenses there too) Happy Squidoo-ing!

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