Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rebate Checks

The hot topic on the news lately is the economic stimulus plan. This plan is intended to stimulate consumer spending in order to deter a possible recession. It looks as if there is going to be some sort of rebate check going out to millions of middle and low-income Americans. It doesn't matter if you think that this is a good plan or a bad one. The plan is the plan. Whatever passes, we, as Americans, need to be smart about it. I think that the rebate checks need to be used as a cure instead of a band-aid.

The point of the rebate checks is to stimulate our economy. What good is a one time check? Is it better to run out a buy a new flat screen TV or a new living room suite? How about using it to help pay the bills for a month or two? What good is spending that money in either of those ways really doing in the long run? None.

Invest that money. Do what both Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump said they would do to get rich if they had to start all over again in the book Why We Want You To Be Rich. Invest in yourself and in your family. Start a home business.

Starting a business with the rebate check is smart for so many reasons, here are just a few:

1. You are going to create that extra income that your family so desperately needs. You will not have to pay extra daycare, or gas, or car maintenance bills. You will not have to go out and buy different clothes to work in. You will not have to miss being there for the important moments in the lives of your loved ones.

2. The incredible tax breaks. The government is going to make everyone who gets a tax rebate check count it as income on the 2008 taxes. Starting your own business is a tax write off. Use that to your advantage.

3. The fun factor! Owning your own business puts you in charge of your life. You will be in charge of your time. How many times have you wanted to take a vacation, to go see a ball game, or go out with friends only to find out that you can't get off of work? Take charge of your own destiny.

I encourage you to Google the economic stimulus plan. Read it for yourself then make an educated decision. It could be the decision that changes your life completely.

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