Wednesday, May 14, 2008
LOL - Love This Blog!
**Disclaimer** Yes, I do know the author, but it really is a great blog! **Disclaimer**
Friday, May 9, 2008
Zoo Day!
Also, I am now on YouTube! You can find me at - see you there!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Times Have Changed!
Did you know that in 1900 the average family size was seven or more people? The most common household size today is two people. In 1972 52% of households were considered traditional. Traditional is defined as the father works and the mother stays home. In 1998 that percentage dropped to 21%. Now I am not saying that all women should stay home and not work. There are too many great women out there doing great things for anyone to say that! Please don’t think that I am taking sides, or judging anyone for what they choose to do. I just think that most people feel that they have to work outside of the home to keep their families going – women and men included.
A lot of times it is not a matter of choice, but a matter of necessity. I talk to people all of the time who are looking for time freedom. Many times, the people who are looking for time freedom are not even familiar with that term!
I was one of those people looking for that time freedom. There were many things that we could not do as a family when both my husband and I worked outside of the home. Once I was told that I could not take the day off of work to go to my son’s first field trip. They couldn’t even understand why I would ask to take off of work for such a thing! When all of the adults work, it is hard to coordinate schedules. It is hard to be there for the kids/family activities. Sometimes it is hard to be there for the major holidays!
All too often people feel trapped by what is viewed as normal. It is normal to be so busy that you can’t enjoy being a family unless it is put on the schedule in advance. It is normal for teachers, babysitters, and daycare workers to see your children more than you do. In many cases they know more about your children than you do. It is normal for many parents to miss out on the firsts - first words, first steps, first field trips, first ball games, first recitals, etc…
I do not consider that normal. I am here to tell you that there is another way! You do not have to be June Cleaver vacuuming and cooking in your apron all day. You also do not have to be tied to a job that you only show up for every day in order to make the financial ends meet. Take a look at other options. Stop missing out on all the firsts. Life is just too short for that!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
How to Choose a Home Business and Why I Picked The One I Did!
Just making the decision to take a look around the internet and see what is out there can be an overwhelming one. You never know what is going to happen when you hit submit on a fill form. It can be very hard to tell the legitimate opportunities from the guy who is just looking to make a quick buck and then disappear. I did a lot of searching and this is some of the best advice I can give a person who is just starting to look into this amazing way of life!
First you need to think about what you want. What do you like? What are you interested in? Make a list of the things that you know something about, the things you love, and the things that you would like to learn more about. Personally, I like travel. I have always liked to travel and I know that many, many people out there love travel also. Not only is it something that I love, but it is something that is in demand.
Now you need to think about what you actually want to do. There are so many ways to market, what do you want to do? What do you like? Do you like meeting people face to face? Do you want to talk to people that you know? Do you want to have home parties? Do you want to use the power of the internet?
There are a lot of companies out there that say all you have to do is sign up, people will magically come to your website, and you will magically get a nice fat check at the end of the month. That is simply NOT true! There is no such thing as get rich quick. If you think there is such a thing then you need to stop reading this now.
Back to marketing, I personally did not want to have home parties. I think they are fun, but I have two kids and a husband at home. I also didn’t want to talk to people that I know. The thing that interested me the most was being able to use the internet and the phone to market my business.
Now you need to think about time. How much time do you have to work on your business each day/week? Are you going to start out supplementing your income? Do you need it to replace a job? Are you looking to do this on your own or will there be someone else involved with you? I wanted to be able to replace my income working the hours when my children did not need me.
In order to replace my former income, I needed to make a substantial income. Making 5% on a $20 or $30 item or $100 here and there just wasn’t going to cut it. I needed to be able to make real money pretty quickly. I knew that I needed to look at the higher ticket items if I was going to be able to do that.
The next thing that needed to be looked at was the product/service. I didn’t want to market a product that could be found at Wal-Mart. I also wanted to find something that was a great value to the consumer. If the product couldn’t stand on its own, then I definitely did not want anything to do with it!
Now that you know what you are interested in, how you want to market, how much time you have to put into your business, how much income you need/want to generate, and the caliber of the product/service that you want to market, it’s time to start looking!
Most of the opportunities out there have many ways for you to do your research on them. Most have conference calls that you can listen to. They have websites that you can read. They have testimonials you can look at. Be sure that there are testimonials on both the product and the opportunity. You will find good and bad in anything that you look into (if you don’t there is a problem), just be sure to dig as deep as you can. My point is, do your research! All of the time that you put into making the right decision now will definitely pay off in the end. It definitely has for me!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Action and Attention - What you focus on does flourish!
To better understand the saying, let's look to the dictionary. Merriam-Webster OnLine defines the word flourish as a center of activity, attraction, or attention. Action is described as a thing done and attention is described as the act of applying the mind on an object or thought.
Now that we understand the true definition of the words, ask yourself this question. Do my thoughts line up with my actions? Most do, even if we don't realize it. Hence the saying, what you focus on flourishes.
We look around; there is talk about the economy and a possible recession. Families are on the news begging for affordable healthcare. Elderly couples are shown living in one room because they can't afford to heat the entire home that they live in. We hear these negative reports and all the sudden, that's where our attention goes.
If you are in Corporate America and you can’t find the time to spend with friends and family, are you doing anything about that? Are you looking for a solution or are you sitting back making excuses to the people around you saying this is just the way Corporate America is?
If you are a stay at home mom and you are worried about finances, are you doing anything to improve them? Are you looking for a way to bring in some extra income or are you constantly complaining to your husband about the bills?
If you are a business owner and you are thinking about marketing your product/service, are you putting any action behind your attention? Are you getting your name out there as much as possible? Or are you just sitting back waiting for a divine intervention?
We usually do put some sort of action behind our attention. We need to figure out if that action has been positive or negative. Until you put some positive action into place to back up your thoughts, nothing is going to improve. Constant worry is not going to solve anything.
Take a moment to think about what you have been thinking about. Remember; only action, positive action, can get things where you want them to be. The only person that can make that change is you! What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Rebate Checks
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Having said that, I do understand why so many resolutions are made during this season. What better time to make a change than a new year? I have to say, this past year flew by! There were things that I thought I would have had accomplished by this time, but I haven't. I read once that the word procrastination isn't really a word at all. Someone made it up to make themselves feel better. All I have to say is, for a made up word, I sure am good at it!
I thought that by now my husband would have been able to quit his job. That hasn't happened. I thought that by now we would have paid off our house. Nope, haven't done that either. Since I have been working from home I have gained more weight than I want to admit. I'm still in my ideal weight range, it's just made up of fat instead of muscle (there's my first resolution for this year!)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaigning. A lot has been accomplished this year. I do have a lot to be proud of. I can just see where I need to do some fine-tuning. I am happy with our life now. I haven't worked outside of the house in over a year. I have more than replaced my annual salary (working a LOT less hours). I have the time freedom that I was searching for. Now it's time to move on and work on other things.
Having said that, here are my New Years resolutions:
1. As a family we are going to work on becoming healthier. We are going to become more active and start using Isagenix.
2. I am going to start using a schedule. I have been telling people to use a schedule for a long time, but I've been really bad at sticking to it!
3. I am going to work on becoming a better leader to my Coastal team. I want each and every one of them to become even more successful than I am. I feel like I have slacked off with the business considerably the last few months (if you keep up with my blog you've already noticed that!).
I would love to know what your resolutions are for this year, leave me a comment and let me know!
I truly want to make 2008 great, won't you make it great with me?